AMC-SEM Chapter

2024 Executive Board.

Officers & Standing Committees

Chapter Chair Paul Brookes Chapter Chair
Chapter Vice Chair Jeannine Audet Chapter Vice Chair
Secretary Sue Franconi Mulligan Chapter Secretary
Treasurer Earl Deagle Chapter Treasurer
Past Chapter Chair Diane Simms Past Chapter Chair
Biking Chair Bill Trimble Biking Chair
Biking Vice Chair open Biking Vice Chair
Cape Hiking Chair Robin McIntyre Cape Hiking Chair
Cape Hiking Vice Chair Janis Delmonte
Cape Hiking Vice Chair
Communications Chair Lara Szott Comms Chair
Communications Vice Chair open Comms Vice Chair
Conservation Chair Zoe Rath Conservation Chair
Conservation Vice Chair open Conservation Vice Chair
Education Chair Anne Duggan Education Chair
Education Vice Chair Srini Iyengar Education Vice Chair
Hiking Chair Bill Belben Hiking Chair
Hiking Vice Chair Tracy Hawes Hiking Vice Chair
Membership Chair Nancy Piedra Membership Chair
Membership Vice Chair open Membership Vice Chair
Paddling Chair open Paddling Chair
Paddling Vice Chair open Paddling Vice Chair
Skiing Chair Dia Prantis xc Ski Chair
Skiing Vice Chair Mike Michalewich xc Ski Vice Chair
Trails Chair Steve Scala Trails Chair
Trails Vice Chair Larry Petrone
Trails Vice Chair
20's & 30's Chair Dave MacDonald 20s & 30s Chair
20s and 30s Vice Chair open 20s & 30s Vice Chair

Ad Hoc Committees

   Nominating Committee Chair Ken Cohen Nominating Chair
   Nominating Committee Vice Chair open Nominating Vice Chair
   Nominating Committee Member Pam Aberle Nominating Member
   Nominating Committee Member Kathy O’Keefe Nominating Member

   DEI Chair Jenn Wong DEI Chair
   DEI Vice Chair open DEI Vice Chair
   DEI Member Maureen Kelly DEI Committee Member
   DEI Member Rachel Brown-Eisenstadt DEI Committee Member

   DSA Coordinator Len Ulbricht DSA Coordinator

   Archive Committee Chair Past Chapter Chair Archive Committee Chair

  Development Committee Chair Diane Simms Development Committee Chair

Communication Committee Contacts

Social Networking Administrator Lisa Robitaille Social Networking Administrator
Webmaster Cheryl Lathrop Webmaster
Breeze Editor Maureen Walsh Breeze Editor
Blast Editor Marie Hopkins Blast Editor

Other Important Contacts

AMC Volunteer Relations Katherine Brainard AMC Volunteer Relations
AMC Additional Contacts Membership, etc. AMC Additional Contacts

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